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Blind Discernment…

You must understand that simply being favored by God just as Joseph’s father, Jacob favored him above all of his sons will spur hatred among those around you. Imagine the favor of man, then imagine the favor of God. Think of how much more God is able to do for you, give to you simply because He adores you. Favor is explicit, out loud and in color, therefore it holds massive potential to create jealousy among those who fall outside of it. That is why it is important for us as God’s children to be able utilize the tool of discernment in our daily lives. If not, we may end up being the victim of jealousy and recipient of cruelty like Joseph when his brothers threw him into a pit and later decided to sell him into slavery.

The harsh reality is that sometimes family, including immediate family members won’t always be happy for you. From the opposite view, it’s important to understand that giving room to envy to sprout can block what may actually be your blessing. Oftentimes, God may be sending someone ahead of you to help you. Had Joseph not been in the position he was in, his brothers and their families and their father would have suffered in the famine. If we do find ourselves in a situation vulnerable to those who seek to do us harm, we rest assured that God is a master communicator and will always have the final say.

One last note…isn’t it funny how Joseph’s lack of discernment caused him to fall into the hands of his vengeful brothers but his fullness of insight into Pharaoh’s dreams caused him to land favor among Pharaoh and become the second most powerful man in Egypt.

The gift that God plants in you is like a superpower. Just because you’re not sure how to use them yet doesn’t mean they’re any less yours.

“…He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)