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A little lie. A big deal

Matthew 26:26 Jesus took bread, blessed, and broke it,” and gave it to the disciples and said “Take, eat; this is my body.”

I would venture to say that most people when asked to describe themselves in three words would not use gullible as an adjective. However, most people are becoming more like those who received seed among the thorns and who by the cares of this world and deceitfulness of riches allowed it to choke the word. (Matthew 13:22) In other words, they have now become deceived by the enemy. Like the old adage, the greatest trick the devil every played is tricking the world into believing he doesn’t exist. What I’m about to say may sound unusual but here it is. A person can believe God exists And that Jesus died for our sins and still be deceived. Here is one thing, major thing that is starting to emerge in today’s society, Progressive Christianity. I cannot began to trace the origin of this sect of Christianity or the foundation upon which it rests. But if I could personally attach a motto to this particular type of Christianity, it would be that Jesus loves you. The crazy thing is, we all know that to be true. Jesus does love us, without a shadow of a doubt. If he did not, he would not have given himself up to crucifixion because contrary to popular belief, Jesus was not forced to give his life for ours. He was given free will by the Father, just as we have today. From toddlerhood and childhood, we sung “Jesuuuus loves me, this I knowww,…you know the rest. We have been induated with how much Jesus loves us and rightfully so in the hopes that we place our life in his and receive the everlasting reward of eternal life with our Father, who sits on His throne in the heavenly places. However, the deceitfulness begins where that ends. We forget that God highlights the importance of obedience over and over again in speech and action from the offerings of Cain and Abel, the journey of the Israelites from the wilderness to the promised land, to Jesus’s journey to the Cross. In Matthew 4:4, scriptures tell us that “Man shall not live by bread alone.” The bread, as Jesus mentions Matthew 26:26 is his body. Today’s generation is being deceived into thinking that believing that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, though mighty, is enough to be presented holy unto the Father. So if not bread alone, then what else? We must read on. Matthew continues…, “but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” That is obedience. We must nail our fleshly thoughts and desires to the Cross, much like how the body of Jesus was nailed to the cross; but not in terms of gaining salvation. That’s already been taken care of but in accordance with obedience. Please don’t succumb to half-truths about what it means to be saved. To be saved is to be rescued from danger or loss. But in order to receive salvation, you must hold on to the principles that set you free in the first place. A half- truth takes away from the whole truth and is therefore a lie. It will not be easy. God tells us we will suffer trials and tribulations (James 1:2-8, John 16:33, 1 Peter 4:12, etc..), but He also gives us a way through. Jesus says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 12:28). If you desire to know the Good News, then start by reading the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But read all of God’s Word so you have context of the Gospels, and how God fulfilled His Will since before the foundation of the world.