Days of our Lives

God hates sin. As mature believers in Christ and even as babes in Christ we know and believe this to be true. But our Father is aware of our sinful nature; that we will always fall short of His Glory. Now before I get into the crux of this post, let me preface by saying God hates sin regardless of how or why it was committed but I think it is the unrepentant sinner that really grieves His heart.

Back in the days of Adam, after reading it several times, I found myself captivated by how long Adam and his generation lived. Adam lived to be nine hundred and thirty years and the approximate life span of everyone in his family was as such. In Genesis 6, the scriptures tell us that when men began to multiply upon the earth that the sons of God began to intermingle with the daughters of men and take them as wives. It is then that God recognizes that these men of God have now allowed their fleshly desires to overtake them. God then declares that he will shorten man’s life down to one hundred and twenty years. He notices that as a result of the marriage between the sons of God and daughters of men that they created giants and increased the amount of wickedness on the earth. After reading this, I suddenly developed a deeper knowledge and clarity into why the scripture calls believers and unbelievers unequally yoked. When you mix the things of God with the things of this world you create giants or abnormal, unnatural things. You began to compromise your values, your beliefs, your morals. And you start to create this distorted and perverted image of God that accommodates not only your values but that of your unbelieving spouse. Revelation 22:18-19, “If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life…” Be mindful this extends to platonic and family relationships as well.

So, God saw fit to reduce our longevity as punishment for our departure from His Will. In Psalm 90: 9- 10 it says, “For all our days have passed away in Your wrath; The days of our lives are seventy years.” Our days have grown significantly shorter because of our falling further and further away from God’s Will.

As we continue to allow sin, whether it be as individuals or as members of a larger part of society, is it not us who have cut our lives short by our own hands? The scary part is that we’ve gone from nine hundred years of life to seventy. This should paint an unsettling picture because it shows just how entrenched in sin we have become and how lax we have become in allowing sin to thrive. To see an individual live past the age of one hundred we celebrate that because I think we look back and realize all the atrocities that person has lived through and survived in an age where it is becoming all too routine seeing young people not making it to thirty. Whether God blesses us with thirty years or one hundred years, let us make sure we’ve left not only do good work but God’s work.




Every living thing