Give us this day. Part II

Preceding Jesus’s statement in John 10:10 that He has come that we may have life and have it more abundantly is Him warning us that the thief’s primary goal against God’s people is to steal, kill, and to destroy. That thief is none other than Satan. There is one thing the enemy is after and that is your identity. You must know that as you strive towards righteousness each day, the enemy is planting seeds of doubt along the way. The parable of the Sower explains exactly how this is done. He instills worry, doubt, fear and the allure of the material possessions of this world. (Matthew 13: 18-23). The enemy cannot steal your identity. You have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. But he can separate you from the One who identifies you. Take an apple seed for example. An apple seed knows its purpose is to produce apples. Given into the hand of a farmer, the apple seed will produce its fruit. If you take that same apple seed and put it into the hands of a plumber, he just may flush it down the toilet. The same thing happens when the enemy succeeds in separating us from our Creator. All of the spiritual gifts, talents, knowledge, wisdom planted in us for Kingdom advancement is flushed down the drain. So, the enemy steals, then he kills. Once the enemy has isolated you, he targets your future. God speaks to Jeremiah and tells him that He knows the thoughts He has towards Jeremiah and that is to give him a “future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11). Again, for every promise of God, there is a direct opposition. After the enemy has stolen your identity, killed your future, destruction is imminent. When God destroys, He rebuilds. He brings forth His people like fine gold. When the enemy destroys, all hope has been cast away. If your identity in Christ has not been restored or you have yet to receive it, say “Yes” to God now because “your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8). Your earthly separation progresses to an eternal separation from God. Seek His face. Take caution to walk uprightly in the Lord, Our Savior Christ Jesus.


The Children's bread


Give us this day