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Scales of deception

Don’t be fooled. There is no such thing as a good witch or white (good) magic. There is only witch and magic and they both fall in fellowship with satan. The spirit behind witchcraft involve manipulation, self-help, sorcery, and deceit. We are living in an age where the idea of witches, black magic, and spells are no longer fringe topics. They are widespread and continuously growing in the number of people who practice them. But without having a true knowledge of the origin of witchcraft, we have turned ourselves over as empty vessels used for the tricks of the enemy. Whether we admit or acknowledge it, there are spiritual undertones and implications to everything we do. There is nothing that exists that does not have a spiritual component to it because “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that has been made.” ( John 1:3) God is the ultimate authoritative figure because He is Creator of all heaven and earth. However, we see in scripture that the enemy, satan loves to contradict the Word of God and make a mockery of it. The more popular and prevalent the idea of self-help, manifestation of material items and sorcery become, the less appealing the fruits of the Holy Spirit become, which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Yes, some will say new age encompasses love, joy, peace, and kindness but there has to be some resemblance of goodness within evil to disguise itself. For comparsion, look and study the works of the flesh as outlined in (Galatians 5:19-21). But this is why it is incumbent for those who understand the spiritual implications of these practices to speak on them because to the untrained eye it looks indistinguishable to the nature of God. Here are a few things that look similar but are not of the same spirit.

Angels of God and spirit guides

God and the Universe

Prophecy and psychic,

praying and manifesting

Spiritual warfare and warding off of evil spirits

My prayer for anyone under the influence of sorcery or witchcraft is that your eyes be opened, and the scales of deception be removed. And that you would understand and appreciate our Creator and being made in His image. We are creations with limited and contained creative power. Think of it this way, I am my mother and father’s child. I am not my mother and father but their child with some of their genes and characteristics. To be a creator in every sense means to have staying power. That is why God can refer to Himself as “I Am,” because He is unchanging, unmoving, the same yesterday, today, and forever more. It’s also why this new age is called new age because it is the ushering in of a new wave of deceptive tactics. In other words, witchcraft under a new name. You’d be hard pressed to find someone involved in witchcraft, white or black magic that isn’t consumed with ritualism or feelings of giving more to get more. It is not a criticism towards any person but an exposure of the enemy’s tactics. Ask God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Wisdom is knowing that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Knowledge is acknowledging that in this life you cannot serve two masters and understanding is making the decision to surrender unto God and accomplishing all that He has called you to do.