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What kind of God are you?

I hope this can be of comfort to someone who may be wondering why things go awry and unexpected tragedies occur. God does not look down upon the earth and dismissively and uncaringly look upon our pain and suffering. I want to bring to you what I hope will be sufficient for you to understand why God is the ultimate standard for living and why Jesus is our moral compass. God declares Himself to many things, including righteous, holy, and just and because of these attributes He and only He can be regarded as good. People often wonder, how does a righteous God allow unspeakable acts to occur in the world He created. First off, to be labeled as God means worthy (worthwhile) to be praised and worshipped. It means this being, deity, or person has a certain measure of power that is beyond the scope of human possibility or achievement. We idolize those that we perceive to be beyond our capability and aspire to be connected to them in the hopes of obtaining something of what they have. As followers of Christ, we know God to be the only true God who has ever existed. The beautiful thing about God is that despite His power and authority, He does not force His hand upon for us. He doesn’t scold us, berate us, or beat us into submission. God is worthy to be praised off that statement alone. Free will is a reciprocal process. It allows God to experience the same love He has for us by allowing us to draw closer to Him simply because we were given the choice to.

 God calls Himself just. What does the mean? When we question the goodness of God or the relevancy of God, thereby trying to disprove His existence; we are refusing to acknowledge and trust that He is who He says He is. To be just is to be guided by fairness or equity. When we look at the context in which society uses the word, we have the criminal justice system. Now knowing that God has blessed us with freewill in a fallen world, we can assume that will come with a few caveats. In the Bible, God speaks to the eventual destruction of the wicked. Psalm 37:12 it says, “The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.” God knows. He knows exactly how to handle those who step in the way of His Will for your life. The justice system is set in place to step in after a crime has been committed. Why? Because as a society, we know what kind of world we live in and that accountability, punishment, and restitution must be made to those who have been harmed. If an earthly entity has been designed to accomplish such an act, then how much more God who has established everything in the earth?

The problem is not God. It is us. The truth is we can’t see God because we don’t know Him. Knowing Him requires taking off what is interrupting our connection to Him (flesh, emotions, worldly materials) and reaching into relationship with Him. People worship creation because there is no standard of living required to be in its’ presence. That is why people covet and try to replicate the power of God but refuse to abide by the commandments of God. It’s why we believe we have established our own standard of goodness and in return have idolized ourselves without acknowledging that we are a thief and liar because everything that makes you a good person comes from God. I implore u to truly submit yourself unto God so that He can reveal everything you have ever questioned about life before it is too late.