Hidden, but don’t Hide

You’re hidden but don’t hide. What’s the difference? Well, you’re hidden for a purpose, but you hide out of fear. God has placed you in a hidden season. I like to think of it as a season of protection. If you are unable to discern between the two, you can take what God meant for a season, build a house and make that your refuge. Take for example Moses, again. He killed an Egyptian and hid the body, ran away to Midian and hid there. (Exodus 2) When God visited him at the burning bush and gave him the commandment to lead Israel out of Egypt, Moses lacked the confidence and faith to believe that God would equip him with the words and courage he would need to fulfill God’s will. Therefore, Moses hid himself before God. (Exodus 4:10-14) Don’t grow so accustomed to being hidden that you begin to label yourself as unimportant and useless when God is saying, Now is the time!

You are valuable and worth the wait. God could be waiting for just the right moment to personally invite you into your next season or just waiting for the right person to come along and find you so that when He breaks your covering, that person will lead you into your next season.




Here comes trouble…