
A new life awaits you. But you must first go through the shedding of the old you to reach it. Are you willing?

For anyone who has ever felt rejected, overlooked, unseen, or isolated, here’s a word I believe you’ll find comforting. On the surface, these feelings tend to evoke pain and sometimes prolonged a while, a sense of hopelessness. But what if I told you that these feelings of rejection are a part of God’s grace over you. Doesn’t quite feel that way, does it? Well think of yourself as a literal, walking representation of a blessing in disguise. Moses was hidden by his mother for the first three months of his life. (Exodus 2:2) But what he didn’t know was that what preceded his concealment was a commandment by the Egyptian king that he, and the other Hebrew born male infants be killed upon delivery. (Exodus 1:16) That is God’s grace. In a world where exposure equates to success. Remember that God sits on high and sees everything so Trust Him.



It’s Time to Eat


Hidden, but don’t Hide