It’s Time to Eat

Did you know the sole purpose of the caterpillar is to take in as much food as it can and later use that energy for when it reaches adulthood? During this phase, the caterpillar has the capacity to grow so extraordinarily that it can shed its old skin up to about five times.

God has finally led you out of the shadows and into the open but where do you go from here? What happens next? Life. In this phase, God is now going to establish you but by your own hands. David’s transition into king involved fleeing the wrath of Saul, forming alliances, battling, honoring relationships, the testing of his character, and falling prey to the flesh. In today’s society, I wonder how many of us could successfully go through all of that without giving up, falling prey to outside opinions, falling in love with the perceived power or “wickedly departing” from God. (2 Samuel 22:22)

Everything God does has a purpose. When He broke you out of hiding, it was time for you to move. Try not get discouraged when you run into difficulty. Anytime David ran into trouble or was confused about a situation, all he had to do was call upon the name of God. Remember, God has to put you through the fire so the authenticity of your calling can’t be questioned. Though it may still be, when God opens the windows of heaven, you won’t back away from the blessings he will pour into your life because you know you will have earned it by staying in God’s will and humbling yourself before the Lord when you fall out of it.


Pass the baton

