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Every living thing

Do you know that God is omniscient? This means He knows all things, has known all things, and already knows all things.

There are few things in this world that are conclusive but I’m going to list one here that I believe is. Every living thing, every living person on this earth has an innate sense of God, without exception. It is why we have a general sense of right and wrong. Now the scary thing about that is that we’ll have no justifiable excuse to give when we stand before Him on Judgment Day. We, as humans, sometimes have a tendency to lay blame at the feet of others. We’ll attribute things such as “church hurt,” lack of good examples, or even tradition for our lack of knowledge and relationship with Him. But let’s say the premise of my argument is true…which I’ll back up in a minute with scriptures. We will have no choice but to accept the punishment due (the wages of sin is death) because everything we needed to know about God was in us from the beginning and it was our free will to not pursue Him. In Genesis 2:6-7 it says… (6) “but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. (7) And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Here God is showing Himself the Potter and us (mankind) the clay.

Let’s take this a step further and think logistically about what God is showing us in this moment. If you are a student in a pottery class shaping your respective clay into a creation of your own imagination, isn’t your DNA now a part of the sculpture you have now created. Even more so God who watered the earth, gathered the dust of the earth and formed you. This is why He is called The Creator, and known as the Potter, because He created us just like everything else that lives. For further proof, please read Romans 1 18-21. He can’t create us and not have His “dna” imprinted upon us. Now clay is sticky and can attract all sorts of things. We must be careful of what we allow to cling to us. We must be cleansed from all sin, all unrighteousness or else it becomes imbedded in us. Psalm 51:2 says “Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin.” God is a just God. If salvation was extended only to those who had a certain amount of riches or certain level of intelligence, then we might have a legitimate excuse as to why we never knew God because the majority of us would have never met the threshold for Him to show up in our lives. But the fact is that He leveled the playing field because His wish is that not ANY of His children perish and spend eternity in the lake of fire.

Once you acknowledge the presence of God, you’ve invited Him to carry you deeper into the knowledge of Him. His Word tells us to Seek Him. Do it. Seek Him because His Word is like treasure; ancient, but valuable beyond explanation or comparison. Lastly, He opens your spiritual eyes and ears to the spiritual gifts that He has given you to pursue Him further and to open the spiritual eyes and ears of others to acknowledge and seek Him as well. That is our true purpose, to seek Him, glorify Him, and edify the Church.