Ask until you receive

One of the beautiful things about a woman, whether she is a mother, daughter, student, or a professional woman is our ability to push through adversity. Stories about everyday women who push through less-than-ideal situations to achieve said outcome are plentiful but no less fascinating. The strength of women can be read about in history books or passed down by word through the generations of women in our own families. But the primary component among them all is the stamina to keep going until the desired goal has been met. Though the persistence of a woman can become a running joke or worse stereotype attached to women more specifically wives, sometimes misidentified as nagging; the will to not give up gets things done! Just ask the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8. She was a widow who had suffered at the hands of another person. Out of the desire to receive justice, she arose every day or at least quite frequently to ask the judge within her city to right the wrong that had been done to her. The first few times she came to him, I imagine her words had gone in one ear and out the other. Perhaps, he even told her he would resolve the issue, knowing he would not in the hopes that she would not come back. But he didn’t bank on the fact that this woman was not going to be placated by simple words. Only then he realizes and says to himself, “Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.” (Luke 18: 4-5) Talk about breaking a man down!

This story is told by Jesus for His people to understand the power and importance behind perseverance. Why else would Jesus tell us in order to follow Him we must take up our Cross. When we talk about persistence, perseverance, and not giving up, it is almost talked about in a cliche’ manner rather than an absolute need for it. When we lose the fight to keep going through all that life will throw at us, we lose the power to change our circumstances. And when we fail to change our circumstances, we essentially build a prison, and wait for our release. We give our life up for others to decide. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7). If mere man responds to persistence and gives you what you seek, how much more God to your own persistence and faithfulness? I encourage all women to stand in their womanhood because there is nothing about a woman that is weak or feeble or any less desirable. Yes, men are the stronger vessel, but God describes us a “comparable help mate” to the man. That alone tells me there is something inherent in a woman that can’t be accomplished by men alone.




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