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Pass the baton

Among one of the many things I love about our great God is that He values relationship. As He prepares us for the next chapter in our lives, I believe He will always place someone in our lives to help propel us forward to where we need to be, no matter how “self-made” we think we are. Joshua, the son of Nun and also Moses’s assistant is a great example of how God will send mentors into our lives as preparation for what’s to come. Joshua was the successor to Moses. Yes, The Moses. Imagine “being the next act” behind some of our generation’s greatest leaders: Gandhi, Dr. King, or Mandela and God saying that He has now declared you the new leader of the people. Within the very short first chapter of the Book of Joshua (NKJV), the Lord says to him, Be strong and of good courage three times. The fourth time He says, Be strong and very courageous. This does not even include the moment when Joshua is inaugurated as the new leader of Israel saying the exact same words! (Deuteronomy 31:23) This door you’re about to walk through is going to have you laying aside everything you thought you knew about yourself. To be honest, it requires it. You can’t walk through this door and walk out the same so step up to the plate and be strong and very courageous.