Aspire to Inspire

Now it’s time for the butterfly to reveal itself. It has cycled from the egg to the caterpillar, the larva and now to the adult stage. The biggest reward the butterfly receives at this stage are its wings.

The road was long, but you made it to the end. That vision you had, it’s here. Everything you have been through now makes sense. Thus far, we have examined the men and their respective journeys through God’s Will. But it’s time for us to now tap into the greatness of women.

Women are not men. We can’t be. We never will be. We weren’t designed to be. We are built differently, but equally. In fact, we know the greatest threat to satan is Man. And how much more, the vessel through which Man is conceived? Women have a huge job in the Kingdom. Satan knows that with each new life born, an opportunity for God to do a new thing exists. And a woman’s instinct to protect and nurture drives the enemy mad because just like God protects His own, a woman will do the same. It’ll be a fight to the end before she let’s go of what’s hers. But as I read the Word, I find that women often come face to face with situations that require a lot of courage. Take for example Queen Esther. Before Queen Esther became queen, she was a young Jewish woman who lost both of her parents and had been taken in and raised as a daughter by her cousin Mordecai. Scripture describes Esther as “lovely and beautiful.” Now, before we move on, I think it’s worth the time to flesh out the differences between these two words. The overall consensus by definition defines beautiful as it pertains to one’s senses, pleasing to the eye. Lovely, on the other hand is defined as a bit more delicate and graceful than the former. It seems to appeal more so to the innermost part of a person that has the ability to inspire love, appreciation, or respect. It is also important to understand that Esther was tasked with the responsibility by her cousin Mordecai of keeping her Jewish identity hidden in order to keep her safe from those who wished to do her harm simply because of it. In short, she did and found favor among the king and the king’s servants. Her obedience to this small task literally placed her in a position to make major decisions, and one that would affect the very livelihood of her and her own family.

To gather the totality of circumstances with which Queen Esther was up against, please read Esther 4. Because of Queen Esther’s courage and her willingness to put her life at risk, she ended up saving the lives of all the Jewish people who resided within the king’s provinces.

But what I really want to leave you with is this. As a woman, outer beauty serves you but inner beauty serves others. Outward beauty is a nod of appreciation to you, though you had no part in it, you are the beneficiary. Inward beauty though is a characteristic that serves those outside of you. Characteristics such as humbleness, courage, integrity. This is the type of allure that never fades and will touch the lives of those you are called to intercede upon. Aspire to Inspire.


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