You are not alone

You are not alone. Seclusion, silence was something that Jesus often pursued. So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. (Luke5:16). This verse suggests that Jesus sought solitude so that he could rest after healing a multitude of people. In the book of Mark 5:30 we get a sense that the healing business can be particularly draining. Just imagine being gifted in a particular area of your life. When people take notice, word starts to spread and everyone begins clamoring at the chance to get a piece of you. It can quickly become physically taxing on a person to keep up with such a demand. Therefore a quiet place is often needed to break away from the chaos. Jesus also sought solitude in the midst of personal struggle. Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives to pray to the Father because he was in such turmoil about His own journey that He pleaded with God and asked if it was possible to take away His source of pain.

This is what makes solitude different from loneliness. Oftentimes, loneliness looks like depression or hopelessness. No productivity or meaningful work comes out of it or is pursued because of it. Don’t turn your solitude into sorrow. God is waiting to reveal something about Himself or you in those moments. Try it and see how He shows up in yours.


Aspire to Inspire

